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I believe that putting pen to page or fingers to keyboard can lead us to greater awareness and momentum in the areas we need it. This is the place where my love for writing, deep listening, and spiritual companioning overflows and serves you. That’s my hope and prayer. – Hope Lyda

Stuck? Stalled? Parched and empty? Our seasons of stall or depletion often tell us that we’re ready (or beyond ready) for a gentle invitation to speak our simplest or deepest needs. In my new book What Do You Need Today? I come alongside to help you honor your needs and move forward in the right direction of healing, care, and wholeness. Learn more here.

With the right invitations, the blank page becomes a well of wisdom to draw from. Here you’ll discover those invitations to move you forward…in writing, life, or the spiritual journey.

Start clicking like Dorothy with her ruby reds. May this always feel like home as you find your write direction.

Writing Prompts
Discover the freedom of My Unedited Writing Year

Released in January 2020. Order with these online links NOW!

Amazon B

Christian Books

Harvest House

Or click here for more information.

The Writer magazine listed my article on prompts a Top 10 for 2020. Click here to discover how to rekindle your practice and creative power.

Hope Lyda is a concept and content editor, writer, and spiritual director. For more than 20 years she has come alongside others to help them uncover their own write direction.
Read more.


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